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Holidays Around the World - Jade Massing

Marlena King • December 9, 2021

Pratt Community College Student Traditions - Jade Massing

Our next stop on our world tour is in the Netherlands, with Jade Massing as our guide. A business management major, she too, plays soccer for PCC. Some holidays are the same as in the U.S., Christmas and New Year. 


However, in February, from the 24th through March 1st, a festival is held called Carnival. People dress up in costumes. “You can be anything, a banana, or a police officer!” There are performance wagons, which are at least four months in the making. It is a fun,    happy time, with dancing and street markets.

Anyone can put goods out for sale… going out to the streets, people put a blanket down, and place goods for sale on them. Anything from handmade bracelets to household goods might be offered. 

Turning to the celebration of Christmas, we learn that the meal is, in her words, …”nothing big, just some meat and vegetables.” Also, she’s “Never had turkey in her life!” Jade plans to celebrate Thanksgiving at a teammate’s house. Maybe she’ll have her first taste of turkey!

Jade loves that Pratt is small, with people knowing each other. “The teachers and students know you, and you can meet everyone pretty fast.” She also likes that it’s easy to find one’s way around the (PCC) building. A first year student here, she does plan to return next year. Her plans include a trip home for the winter and summer breaks.

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