Our around the world holiday tour now takes us to Brussels, Belgium. PCC student Dante Despontin tells us about some of his native country’s customs.
He says Christmas is different... no lights like in the movies!” There is a tree, and there are gifts, however. The family being together seems to be the important aspect of the gathering on the 24th. The Christmas meals are a little bit more fancy than other times, with primarily the family’s favorite foods being served. Dante has eaten turkey before!
Dante said that there are not big events such as the Thanksgiving here in the U.S., but school breaks are times that are looked forward to back home. He will be going home for the winter and summer breaks.
When asked about differences between his home country, and here, he first mentioned the weather. He cited the heat here, and that it’s cold in Belgium. He also mentioned there are cultural differences. The rules are different here, he says. Some things he can do
in Belgium but not here, and the reverse of that also applies.
The new tennis program at PCC is what brought Dante to Pratt; one of Dante’s favorite things to do is to spend time with his team. Hopefully they will have a great season!
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